Monday, April 13, 2009

Things We Have Learnt and People We Have Met

We have learnt that everything is backwards and bigger in America. They drive on the "right" side of the road and the steering wheel is on the "right" side of the car. Speaking of driving, the cars are giantic and would crush my tiny Holden Barina. The roads are overrun by Escalades and Jeeps. The meals are also quite sizeable, their small is equivalent to our large.

We have met quite a few people in the three days we have been here. I will tell you about the more memorable people... First there was the "Gum Girl". She was from Alabama and had a real Southern drawl. She asked Haylee and I for some "guuuuuuuuuuum", but we didn't have any, so a dancing friend of ours Shannon gave her some Extra. She was so excited to see some Australian gum and when Shannon told her she could keep the packet she was over the moon.
Then there was the "Violin Guy" and "Mr Bus Driver". We met them on the first shuttle we travelled on today. They were really friendly and talking to us about our holiday. At the end of the ride Mr Bus Driver gave us a map and wished us luck, as you all know by now that luck did not help.
While we were waiting to get on the trolley one of the many times today, we meet the "Florida Lady". She initially asked us for help, but then realised we lived a lot further away than she did. We were talking to her about the weather and how "Sunny California" seemed to be a bit of a myth.
And finally, we ate pizza at one of the few places that was open today. And met one of the waiters that we'll call "Mr Carter", because he reminded Alicia of Nick or Aaron Carter. He was a bit of a flirt. We were dispelling myths about Australian drop bears, explain the sibling rivallry betweeen Australia and New Zealand and crushed his idea about riding kangaroos to school.

Alicia and Haylee are currently in our hotel room. I believe is having a nap.

Until next time,
KeEp dANciNg...


  1. sounds like its been a bit of an adventure and there seems to be some very colorful characters over there.
    your mum has been on the phone to us as she hasn't been able to work out how to post a comment so you should let her know
    hope the trip continues to go safely
    lots and lots of love
    aunty rhonda, uncle bruce, matthew and ashleigh

  2. Hi Claryse,
    Finally learnt how to 'post a comment' - great to read about your adventures - what a wonderful experience. Which local paper is the dancing article? Keep well and safe and have fun. Given the blog address to a few people.
    Lots of love, Mum
    P.S. Say Hi to the girls.
