Monday, April 13, 2009


I can't believe i am the only one still suffering from jetlag. Alicia and Claryse are fine but come 2pm i'm ready for bed. At the moment I am trying to muscle through it (i had a 1 hour nap earlier) but i think i'm going to go to bed at like 9. I'm such a grandma. I am dreading having to work the sunday we get back.
Anyway, had a nice but weird day. Saw a lot of San Diego and met some nice locals.
You will be happy mum, we didn't have to drive.

Anyway, can you please make sure everyone has the address for this blog and I'll post again soon.

P.S. You will be very proud of me, I have only bought a sea world pin not clothes (mostly because I don't want to buy things when I am jetlagged and not with it). BTW I am collecting pins for this trip, I have always meant to whenever we go away but only remember halfway through the trip. Anyway I nearly bought this green silk dress from banana republic that was $75 on sale but resisted temptation.


  1. Dear Haylee,

    Good to catch up with your adventure stories. It's a big world out there, so far away, but I can see you're up to the challenge. Being a Bruce, no one will rob you. Make the most of everything. I know it's the start of something big for you. Love you.

    Grandma & Grandpa xx

  2. dear haylee mum got a wine barrel, we put it in your car and now your car smells like wine.
    from jayden

    ps mum and dad says hi.

  3. That's true Haylee. Red wine at that!!!!! Ben and Catherine have moved into their house and we're busy painting and gyprocking with the help of your very kind Daddy. Glad you're not buying rubbish clothes. Hang out till NY and make it worthwhile. (I'm also VERY GLAD you're not driving). Uncle Pete says hi.

    Aunty Robyn
